Saturday, December 20, 2008

These Shoes Are Made for Work'in

Like most the women I know, I too, have a pretty serious "thang" for shoes. Perhaps I inherited it from my mother - I know my 7 year old has inherited it from me - but I just have to have them - a variety. I think for women they are a true friend - and no matter what size your body is this week - your shoes are still going to look great. High ones, low ones, pointy toed ones, open toed ones - I love them all.

This morning as I headed out to the production shop to finish flowers for a wedding today - I slipped on my dear friends - the leopard clogs. They have been with me now for about 6 years - they're pretty beat up and usually have chunks of green waste stuck to them from my hours of designing and the accumulation of stems, leaves and petals that fall around me in what my mother calls my "never ending mess". They are wood and it is illogical to me that they are the most comfortable shoes I own - but they are. Perhaps my feet have formed over time, to fit them. When I'm stressed - they comfort me. When I'm happy - they share in my delight. When I am exhausted - they keep me going. No judgment, no disappointment, no teasing - just happy to be with me. I wear them to the beach, in the rain and if it were to ever snow here (heaven forbid!) I'd wear them then too - probably without socks! When my high pointy pumps come off after a day at the office or a night out - the leopard print clogs go on.

My fellow event colleagues know that when the clogs arrive - it means business. It is GO TIME - bring your "A" game - we're doing flowers! At 11 pm when I break it all down again - my wood leopard print clogs get me through. These shoes have become a part of me - almost my trademark - I feel like my truest self in them. And isn't that just the best kind of friend?

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